
Back on Schedule

This Saturday marks the first day of a regular market schedule! From now until the end of October you can depend on us being here every Saturday morning 8-1 and every Thursday evening 4-7. The weather forecast is promising sunshine for one day only and that day happens to be Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed folks and hopefully we will be able to celebrate the beginning of a season with some warm sun on our faces. Due to the cold weather, the asparagus is delayed and will not be making an appearance until next week. Fortunately we will have lots of other fresh produce, baked goods, cheese and more!  

Cooking Classes

Each year the market hosts a series of cooking classes with local chefs on Saturday mornings 11-12. We will be continuing that tradition this year with a few more added bonuses. Shopping at a farmers’ market is about connecting with your producer and having a deeper knowledge of where you food comes from. In order to allow producers and community members to have more opportunities to connect we will be bringing in some new faces to run workshops and cooking classes. Chris Lyons from Chris’s Country Cuts will be talking to us about his small business that he runs 7 days a week indoors at Covent Garden. Becky Ellis will be sharing the importance of bees to our food systems. Outdoor vendor, Emily Griffin of Harvest Moon will be teaching a canning workshop.

As you can see, we a have a lot planned for this summer so we hope you stay tuned and join us as we all learn about what our community has to offer.

This week Carmen will be returning after time away in Switzerland to teach the cooking class. We can’t wait to hear all about it and learn something new! The class is running 11-12

Thursday Farmers' Market

Our first Thursday Farmers’ Market will be May 9th. It will be running 4pm-7pm Make sure to come out, and see how the Thursday market is growing and changing! With all the construction downtown, we are doing a couple of things to make your evenings a little less chaotic.

  1. #whyrush? Have you seen this hashtag floating around on social media? The Why Rush campaign is encouraging people to stay downtown a little longer after work, avoid the traffic rush hour and see what London has to offer! The Thursday market is a perfect addition to this campaign and we are happy to be a part of it. Stay tuned for different ways you can make the most of your time downtown.


This Saturday

Vendor List-Who has What-Click Here

-Many of our larger farm vendors join the market starting in June, however our smaller farms, and early crop farmers will be here all throughout the month of May with plenty of variety to get us through to strawberry season!

Musician 10-12-Mike Trudgen

Cooking Class: Chef Carmen 11-12-Recipe to be posted soon

Sliders and Local Cheese Feature from Mark’s Fine Meats and Glenda’s Cheese Shop

-Thank you for choosing to shop locally and support London/Middlesex small business-