
Our 519Pledge

Happy October! Today is the first day of the month, and we could not be more excited. October means harvest time, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and general autumn happiness! This month, we are also very proud to be working with 519Pursuit, a local not for profit organization whose mission is to create friendships with those facing homelessness in our community. One way they do this, is by collecting socks to make sure everyone has warm feet at wintertime. Did you know that it only takes 30 minutes in sub zero climates to get frostbite? It can only take 5-10 minutes in temperatures below -15 degrees. Our city does not have enough beds for everyone to come out of the cold, meaning even on the coldest nights, community members are still sleeping on sidewalks and in parks. Donating a pair of socks won't open more beds, but it is a great effort to start the conversation about homelessness and the essential support needed! Read below for more on 519Pursuit, why donating socks is important, and how you can help!  

How can you participate?

Each Saturday in October, volunteers from 519Pursuit are joining us at the Farmers’ Market! This will be an opportunity for us to drop off our sock donations or make a monetary contribution towards this effort. Also, every Monday through Saturday from 9-5, you are welcome to drop off sock donations at our administration office located within the market.

Sock donations are asked to be new socks, preferably white, because coloured socks can leave ink stains on cold wet feet when socks can’t be changed regularly.

You can also sign up for the 519Pledge yourself and start your own sock stock! Head to 519Pursuit’s website for more information, or read below!

Who is 519Pursuit?

519Pursuit is a local Not For Profit Organization whose mission is to create friendships of lasting connection and positive impact with those facing homelessness in our community.

519Pursuit came from the idea of friends helping friends in the community while doing better for oneself and others. Over the past three years, volunteers with 519Pursuit have been able to make friendships with 80-100 people sleeping rough in the city. Through these connections, volunteers meet with rough sleepers where they are, create rapport and friendships, offer daily necessities and weather appropriate clothing all while educating and encouraging the use of services and shelters within the city.

519Pursuit runs a daily outreach team within the community. Partnering with the London Foodbank has brought the opportunity to deliver hand-made lunches. Since the pandemic began, outreach volunteers and chefs at the RBC place have successfully prepared and delivered more than 4482 lunches and counting to friends sleeping rough with 519Pursuit. This program was a new introduction to the response of Covid-19 but has since been tailored to stay.

What is the 519Pledge?

The 519Pledge is a community initiative that gathers people with one common goal. To spread awareness of homelessness leading into the winter, as well as the little things we as individuals or as a community can do to support those finding their way home.

The 519Pledge is an important tool to ensure everyone has a fresh pair of socks to change into over the winter months. It asks local individuals and organizations to pledge to help gather sock donations within a six week period from October 1st through to November 15th.

Since the fall of 2018, 519Pursuit has successfully donated over 45,000 pairs of socks into the community, but this was not enough! This year, the goal is to stock up with 55,000 pairs of socks to ensure everyone has warm feet all winter and year long. 519Pursuit has been given the ability to donate to over 25 services and shelters through the generosity of community support with the 519Pledge!

Who Can You Find at the Farmers' Market this Saturday?

This is the list, folks! See who you can find at the Farmers’ Market for our first Market of October! Click on their names to find information on pre-orders and to learn more about their farms and businesses!

Check out their websites for more information about their products and to see what’s in season/currently available!

Live Music (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.): Pete Denomme

Extra: 519Pursuit Sock Drive