Space for all types of events
Covent Garden Market has a number of retail and public spaces that can be reserved for a variety of activities. Whether you are looking for a long-term merchant opportunity or to host a special event, the market has various locations available.
Permanent Space
Indoor Main Level Stalls
Stalls range from 170 to 3,000 square feet with an average of 400 square feet. Average base rent on the main level is $8 per square foot per annum.
For more information about permanent space opportunities, contact Amy Shackleton at:
Mezzanine Stalls
Stalls range in size from 120 to 3,500 square feet. Rent ranges from $7 to $10 per square foot per annum depending on non-profit and other status.
Facility Event Rental
The Market Hall includes the westerly portion of the Covent Garden Market mezzanine level. Maximum capacity in Market Hall is 350 persons.
The Lounge
The Lounge is on the south end of the second level of Covent Garden Market and has a maximum capacity of 60 persons. The Lounge offers a beautiful view of our Downtown for your next meeting or special event!
Market Kitchen
Located on the second level of Covent Garden Market. The maximum capacity is 30 persons.
Market Square
Located to the west of the Market building. 30,000 square feet. The square (but not the rink, when in season) is available for rental as long as the proposed use does not disrupt regular Market programming nor block public access to the Market’s main entrance from Talbot Street. Rental fees are negotiated, taking into consideration the type of use and the type of support required of the Market for the event.
Facility Rental Agreement
In order to confirm your booking for any of the above facilities (Mezzanine, Lounge, Market Kitchen or Market Square), you must read, complete and submit a copy of our Facility Rental Agreement to Sam Regier.
Download a PDF of the rental agreement here:
Market Lounge
Market Kitchen
For more information on booking any of the above facilities please contact, Sam Regier at:
Outdoor Farmers’ Market
The Outdoor Farmers’ Market at Covent Garden Market welcomes producer-based vendors. Because the intent of this market is to offer a diversity of fresh produce to customers, only applicants offering goods for sale which they have produced themselves are considered. Resellers and peddlers are not permitted.
February and March | 9 AM to 1 PM | Upstairs in the Mezzanine
Easter through November | 8 AM to 1 PM | Outside on the Rotary Square
December | 9 AM to 1 PM | Outside on the Rotary Square
Download our PDF files of the 2024 Vendor Application Form and the Vendors Handbook to get an understanding about the Farmers’ Market. Please read “What Should Aspiring Vendors Consider when Applying to the Farmers’ Market” before you apply.
For more information on the Outdoor Farmers’ Market, contact Sam Regier at
Introducing a new Pop-Up Innovation Hub right here in the heart of Downtown London!
The Covent Garden Market is pleased to present an exciting new innovation hub for vendors, available for daily rent.
Innovative artisans can set up shop right in the center court of the Market! It is the perfect spot for online entrepreneurs who want to have occasional space to meet their customer base. This space is equipped with an 8-foot table and 2 chairs. We are hand picking vendors who are looking to expand their businesses, have the skills to market themselves and want to pop up in the Market! The ideal pop-up vendor is an innovator with a beautiful handmade product who wants to introduce their product to the world. Please fill out the application below to become part of our new innovation hub experience! Click the following for our application: 2024 Pop Up Innovation Hub
For more information on the Pop Up Shop space, please contact Tanya Riess at: triess@coventmarket.com