
Spin Today for Youth Tomorrow

Spin Today for Youth Tomorrow’ is a province-wide event being held on Friday, April 1st, 2022 outside on the Market Square, the first day of World Autism Awareness Month. The event is being held in honour of the more than 50,000 autistic children who are waiting to receive therapy in Ontario.

Groups and individuals will be spinning (riding a stationary bike) for up to 50,000 seconds (13.8 hours), each second representing a child on the waitlist. Riding for this duration is not required to participate—do what you can safely, with your physical ability. Participants will choose the length of time and type of activity that works for their lifestyle. We are asking people across the province to join us! If you have a stationary bike, you can spin from the comfort of your home, if not, head out on a family bike ride, or walk to show your support—it really is that easy!

Be sure to take photos and tag with #SpinTodayForYouthTomorrow-on Instagram, Twitter (tag and follow @ONTautism), or on Facebook. We would love to see how you choose to show your support! We can no longer accept children with autism waiting 5-7 years for therapy.


Friday April 1, 2022 - Friday April 1, 2022
8:00 AM - 9:00 pm
Outside, Market Square