
New Year, Big Plans!

Welcome back everyone, we hope you are feeling restored after all the holiday fun. Hopefully you’ve made it through all the leftovers at this point and are ready to restock with lots of local goodies. We have lots in store for 2019 and are looking forward to you joining us along the journey! There is no market this week, the first market will be held January 12th!

Pilates at the Market

Touring and researching other markets is always a fun activity here at the office. Drawing inspiration from other models we are excited to announce that we will be starting a weekly drop in fitness class! Niki Carr owner and operator of At The Mat will be joining us every Saturday 9am-10pm. The class will be pay-what-you-can. If you are able to pay, we recommend $5-10 but we are committed to keeping the market a community space and would like all to participate! A yoga mat is required, we will have a limited supply to rent for $2. Class space is limited. All skill levels welcome!

New Vendors

We are excited to share that there will be some new faces joining us upstairs this year.

Helm Baked is family run business. Sue Helm baking gluten free deliciousness with her talented children photographing and documenting along the way.

Z and Bee co will be joining us for the first time as well. Not only do they produce honey from a small number of hives, but they also have candles, and zero-waste wax wraps. Not a drop is wasted and we are so grateful to have their product.

Stormin’ Garlic is a family business that grows beautiful healthy microgreens. We are so happy to have access to fresh locally grown produce in the winter months. A rare treat for sure. They have sold previously in London and are returning, so spread the news, because people have been waiting!

Open Streets

It’s been a tough year for downtown London with all of the construction. We are so excited to begin to be able to see the results. The section on Dundas behind the market is all set up and looks beautiful for the winter season. Make sure you make it a part of your trip next time you’re down at the market!

We also want to thank you for your patience with us this holiday season, we will be back to our regular newsletter schedule with another reminder going out next week for our January 12th start date!