Farmers’ Market News
November 8, 2018
We’re excited to be a year round market! Join us outside until December 22nd and then beginning on January 12th meet us upstairs on the mezzanine. This Saturday November 10th we have lots of local produce, amazing baking, handmade hats, VQA wine and more.
We will be outside under the white tents along the front of the market.
Click here to see what vendors are joining us and what they will have.
Made From Scratch: ‘ghosts and goblins’ brownies (full of delicious chocolate bars), sunshine muffins, coconut lime loaf and peanut butter and jam squares
Apple Meadow: Final week, so time to stock up. We will be bringing storage quantities of potatoes, garlic, onions. Celery and leeks for the freezer. Garlic boxes labelled according to how long they keep. The more you buy, the better the savings. Our Mennonite variety has the most health promoting allicin content, thus if you want to stay healthy this winter, consume it each night before bed. We take it finely diced in a small amount of honey. A tasty flu fighter alternative
Join Dan and Glenda at centre court for organic sliders topped with a feature cheese from Smith Cheese- this week’s feature is Port Salut from France! Sliders are $3 each or two for $5.
We are thrilled that our calendar is printed and ready for pick up. Calendars will be delivered in select London Free Press Neighbourhoods on Saturday and is available for pickup at centre court! We worked alongside the London Training centre to produce this beautiful calendar to celebrate local food and growers. Check out the London Training Centre’s website here.